Monday, March 12, 2007

Thoughts on Democrats “withdrawal” plan paves way to escalation of Iraq War

Hello Folks!
Van Auken writes a good article will bring up many thoughts. Here are mine.

1. To allow Mr. Bush to certify progress in Iraq, is like allowing the wolf to guard the hen house and then certify that he has not eaten any chickens lately. Only fools would agree to such B.S.

2. Does anyone hear any echoes of Gen. Westmoreland in the comments of Gen. David Petraeus. "Gimme gimme gimme more more men! And happy days are ahead!"

3. They chose Petraeus because he wrote how we messed it up and how we might just win if we "Take, Hold and Build" the neighborhoods. No way can this be done with a county of 25 million when we have 140,000 troops to do that job. The terrorists will float out of where ever we put troops in. They will go to where the troops are not. Then when the troops have to go find the terrorists in their new locations. The terrorists will leave the new locations, and go back and blow up what the Americans built in the old locations. All they have to do is fight near or in what the Americans just built and the Americans will then blow up what they just built to kill the terrorists. The Vietcong were great at this. George Washington used the same fad and fight somewhere else tactics in the Rev. War. That is why the British hated him so much.

4. So Bush canned the previous Iraq general just so people could now say, "Oh, we have to give Gen. Petraeus a chance!" Again, only fools give people changes for ever. But the Dems leadership is showing they are fools in how they are handling the supplemental surge request. So the administration is using this "let's switch generals" game and the Dem leadership is buying it.

5. Murtha is being played for a fool by Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Obey. Hopefully he will get angry. The nation and liberals and progressives are being played for fools by Pelosi and Obey. Hopefully we will get angry.

6. Afghanistan is a worse mess than Iraq. They have been bled by us and the Russians and the Taliban since 1980. We (CIA) spent billions funding the Taliban and other war lords to kill Russians during the 1980's. Our money and Saudi money was used for 10 years to have the Afghans kill Russians to pay back the Russians for the money and aid they gave the North Vietnamese to bleed Americans in Vietnam.

This CIA and Saudi effort and the resulting Russian losses (once we gave the Afghans weapons to shoot down Russian helicopters) and the Russian people's disgust with all the deaths and maiming of their kids was in part what lead to the breaking up of the USSR.

7. And now Pelosi and Obey want us to bring peace Afghanistan by killing more people. Did anyone ever hear the song "When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn."

8. The only way out of this puzzle is to force the House to start impeachment investigations against Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. This will focus the administration's thought processes on saving themselves. Many administration rats will leave the sinking ship. The Republican godfathers will do the "Goldwater visit" to Bush and Cheney and say it is time to go. (Goldwater lead the team to tell Nixon it was time to go.)

They will resign and appoint a new VP who will become President and he/she will appoint a new VP and whala we have the new Republican team for 2008. Does anyone remember the Nixon Ford team and then the Ford Rockefeller team? You bet millions do and that is how it is done in Washington when the big boys are going to get impeached. The boys in power will eliminate any of their leaders, as necessary, to stay in power.

Thus impeachment is the only way to go.

9. Thank goodness for Thomas Jefferson and his ability to write. One of the 6 or 7 state legislatures now consider joint impeachment resolutions may pass such a resolution. Then the Congress will have to do something with it. Pelosi may not be able to control what happens. The Congress may vote to initiate impeachment investigations and the nation may be saved from itself. We can hope.

10. Back to WI. Stoughton is the only WI community to have both troops home and impeachment referendums on the ballot April 3rd. We have 5,800 flyers we need to deliver door to door starting this Monday afternoon.

Who will stand up to help us?? Call 608-239-5354 my cell # to leave a message on what day you can help. It will take us two or three days to cover the city. Will be fun, good exercise and you can work out some of your anger about our broken political system.

11. On Wed., Mar. 14th come and listen to Garvey and Nichols speak to "Out of Iraq and Impeach for Peace" town meeting #2 in Stoughton at the high school, 600 Lincoln. Starts at 6:45 PM and will probably break up about 4 in the morning.

We need a big turn out. We'll have a good discussion and we promise that absolutely no JOKES will be told and not one person will belly laugh!!!!

12. Lastly, we need money like another $1,000 to fund our Stoughton GOTV effort. How about donating some dollars toward helping politicians winch on election night when we find out Stoughton votes for both OUT OF IRAQ and IMPEACHMENT on the same night!

Please make a check out to WI Impeachment/Bring Our Troops Home Referendum Group, %Buzz Davis, 1021 Riverview Dr., Stoughton, WI 53589. Our bank account can handle checks of ALL sizes!!!!

Thank you!!


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